Bella Weems Talks About Founding Origami Owl!
Bella Weems is the 17-year-old founder of Origami Owl, a multi-million dollar company that adds a social element to jewelry sales!
We recently spoke with the high school senior about what motivated her to create Origami Owl and how her business has grown in the three years since she founded the company!
Bella Weems told us she has always been an entrepreneur at heart.
"I love to create in so many ways," she said.
When Bella was just 14, she created Origami Owl out of a desire to buy herself a car when she turned 16.
"I went to my parents, and they asked me what I was going to do to make this dream come true," Bella said. "I always believed you can do anything you set your mind to, so I decided to sell beautiful, custom lockets that tell stories about people's lives."
Bella gave up weekends of hanging out with friends to host jewelry parties to sell lockets. As her business flourished, Bella learned more and more about how to run a company, and spent more time assisting her family in building her business and spreading the word about Origami Owl.
"I knew we had something special when I rented a kiosk at Chandler Mall on Black Friday three years ago and had great success; I was in shock!" Bella said. "With the support of my family, my dream came true, and I finally got my white Jeep who I call Alice!"
Origami Owl now operates with the help of thousands of independent designers who host parties called Jewelry Bars.
"I love that behind every piece of Origami Owl jewelry is a person with a special story," she said. "Each custom locket will remind you of who you are, where you have been, where you are going and what dreams you carry in your heart."
Bella said she feels blessed to be a high schooler who has founded a multi-million dollar company, but until she graduates, school is her biggest priority.
"As you can imagine, being a senior in high school keeps me super busy with all my school commitments," she said. "I love Origami Owl and make time to be in the office after school when I am able, which is quite a bit."
She added that the opportunity to meet so many different types of people has been the most interesting experience her business has afforded her.
"When I started out I never dreamed this is what would be the outcome," she said. "My dream was to buy a car when I turned sixteen, and when that happened I was on top of the world.The fact that now more than 55,000 Independent Designers sell Origami Owl jewelry nationwide makes me so happy that other people's dreams are coming true and they are also being blessed in many ways."
Bella is currently deciding what her role in the company will be once she graduates from high school.
"I would like to see Origami Owl become a household name one day, and we are working towards making that happen," she said.
Bella's other passions include writing inspirational music, singing and motivational speaking. She is also excited to be be performing in her school's spring musical.
"However, I also love speaking to young girls about reaching their personal dreams and sharing my story with them," she said. "I believe with all my heart in being a force for good and paying it forward."
Most of all, Bella said she is grateful for her family, incredible employees and talented designers, who have each helped make Origami Owl possible.
"We all get to live out our mission statement everyday," she said. "Our mission is to be a force for good, to love, inspire and motivate people of all ages, and to reach their dreams and empower them to make a difference in the lives of others."
We're sure Bella Weems and her company will see even more success in the future! Check out the company's social pages below, and be sure to join us at Sweety High to tell us about your own dreams for the future!