Here’s the 1989 (Taylor’s Version) Track You Are, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

The long wait is over, and the Taylor's Version of our all-time favorite Taylor Swift album, 1989, is finally here. It's no stretch to say that we are positively obsessed.

That means reworked versions of 16 beloved tracks, plus five brand new From the Vault songs that we can't believe were kept from us for nearly a decade, creating the definitive version of the album ushering in the queen's pop era. You probably have a favorite already, but which one actually describes you best? Just scroll down to your zodiac sign below to find out.

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Aries (March 21 – April 19): 'New Romantics'

It might seem strange to match the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, with 1989's closing song, "New Romantics," but in many ways, it feels like the jumping-off point for the rest of Taylor's discography, marking a fresh new beginning. It's a slightly playful song about taking a less serious approach to love, jumping in head-first and living freely, and that's something that brash and impulsive Aries can get behind.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20): 'Blank Space'

Though Taurus is a sign marked by dependability and loyalty, they won't settle for just anyone and can have a tendency to be serial daters as they seek their perfect mates. This can earn them a reputation not unlike the one described in the words of "Blank Space." There's also a quality about the original music video—elegant and expensive, yet crazed and dark—that fits Taurus to a T.


Gemini (May 21 – June 20): 'Style'

Gemini is the sign of duality, and you won't find another 1989 track that's as dual-natured as "Style," whether you consider the track itself or the differences between the original sound and Taylor's Version's bolder production. The song fluctuates between a moody techno sound during the nostalgic verses and pure modern pop in the choruses, and yet the two flow together in a perfect fusion—just like Gemini always manages to balance both sides of their personality.


Also read about: A Definitive Ranking of Every Taylor Swift Album


Cancer (June 21 – July 22 ): 'Now That We Don't Talk'

Cancers are sensitive, yet tend to be a little closed off to everyone but their most trusted confidantes, so of course their song of choice would be a From the Vault song. "Now That We Don't Talk" suits them so well as it's a song about a once-important relationship that eventually ends, growing less and less significant, and the pain that can cause until you come out healed on the other end. Like in the song, crabby Cancers retreat into their shells until they feel tough enough to face the world again.


Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22): 'Suburban Legends

Attention-grabbing Leo is suited to a From the Vault track for another reason—they love all things new, flashy and eye-catching. "Suburban Legends" is the perfect song for the lion, as it's a song about two powerhouses coming together in a whirlwind romance. However strong the relationship might be, sometimes, both stars are just too bright to continue to shine together.


Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sep. 22): 'Clean'

While the name of "Clean" might seem an obvious fit for perfectionistic and organized Virgo, the meaning can go much deeper for this wise sign. The track isn't just about neatness but about the baggage that the end of a relationship can leave, the work it takes to get through it and the clarity that can be found once a heart has healed. It may take a little longer for over-thinking Virgo to get there, but once they do, they'll be stronger than they've ever been.


Also read about: The Perfect Gift for Anyone Whose Favorite Taylor Swift Album Is 1989


Libra (Sep. 23 – Oct. 22): 'Is It Over Now?'

As an air sign that's defined by their relationships, From the Vault track "Is It Over Now?" is both extra painful and extra relatable, with Taylor reflecting on past moments of loneliness and a relationship that's ended. It's a song about the hurt as well as the growth that can develop through relationships that come and go—something that friendly and peace-keeping Libra knows better than most.


Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21): 'Bad Blood'

There's a good reason that Scorpio doesn't trust people lightly, and once they've been betrayed, that's a grudge they'll hold for life. Maybe "Bad Blood," is a little on the nose, but there couldn't be a more appropriate song. It's all about the perils of false friendships and the tragedies that can occur when you put your faith in the wrong people. Lucky for Scorpio, they know how to maintain a close group of best friends who will always stick by them.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21): 'This Love'

Taylor herself is a Sagittarius, and she knows as well as anyone that love is an adventure, full of ups and downs, euphoria and pain, as is made incredibly clear in "This Love." Love can be cyclical, and sometimes you have to let go of it before it can come back to you. Though it's one of the quieter and more introspective tracks on the album, it also shows that Sag spark for experimentation and trying new things in the name of art.


Also read about: A Definitive Ranking of the 1989 (Taylor's Version)'s From The Vault Tracks


Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19): 'Out of the Woods'

Capricorn is a sign known for being a bit traditional and old-fashioned, and it makes sense that the sign would be paired with such a nostalgic song as "Out of the Woods." It's about looking back at a relationship that felt impossible to leave, recalling the fear and thrills it brought and realizing how much better off you are now that it's finished. Despite all of it, it can feel powerful to reminisce on the good times and also the bad—something that Cap knows well.


Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18): 'Shake It Off'

If there's any sign that always marches to the beat of their own drum, it's Aquarius, so of course, "Shake It Off" has always been their 1989 anthem. Aquarius simply does their own thing, regardless of what others think, and never lets the haters get to them—and they have a whole lot of fun doing it.


Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20): 'Wildest Dreams'

And it's clear to us that Pisces, the dreamer of the zodiac, finds their perfect music match in "Wildest Dreams." It's a song of pain, as well as hope, and praying the one will love will continue to cherish your favorite memories together, even once they're long gone. Even though the wishes may be futile, it's about hoping for the best—and Pisces can always dream.


Need help with your next Instagram caption? Click HERE for 34 lyrics from 1989 (Taylor's Version) to get you inspired.