10 One Direction Fan Tributes You Won’t Believe
Even with Zayn Malik gone, Directioners can get pretty passionate when it comes to demonstrating how much they love their boys. These 10 bizarre tributes to the band are definitive proof. Check them all out and vote for the strangest at the bottom of the page!
1. Let's hope a wave doesn't come and wash this intense sand sculpture away.
2. Who doesn't want a pocket-sized Lego version of their favorite 1D man?
3. And miniature versions of One Direction aren't the only thing you can make with Lego blocks
4. Looks like you can have your 1D cake and eat it, too
5. The Only One Direction tribute band is a nice try, but we'll stick with the original
6. These amazing One Direction eggs are here just in time for Easter!
7. These Madame Tussaud's wax figures are pretty realistic. Will the real 1D members please stand up?
8. We'll take a slice of Niall.
9. Would eating these 1D gingerbread cookies be considered cannibalism?
10. Believe it or not, that Harry Styles likeness is carved into pencil lead…

Which tribute did you find most shocking?