2014 Kids’ Choice Awards Stars On Orange Carpet!

Our host Alex Schiffman heads to the 2014 Kids' Choice Awards to interview all of the biggest stars on the orange carpet in the latest episode of SweetBeatTV!

We get some of our favorite celebrities, including Kendall Schmidt, R5 and Drew Chadwick of Emblem3 to tell us all about their dream slime colors, and demonstrate how they'd react to being slimed!

Alex & Sierra and the stars of The Thundermans as well as I Didn't Do It also chat about the "Nick" names they'd want to see engraved on their orange blimp awards, and M Magazine asks about their favorite ice cream toppings!

For a full list of the 2014 KCA winners click here. Also be sure to check out our pre-show exclusive here, and join us at SweetyHigh.com!2014 kids choice awards