Affirmations to Get You Through the Winter Blues

The holiday season is officially in full swing, but with all the joy that this time of year brings comes an unfortunate (and unwanted) plus one: the winter blues.

The days are shorter, the weather is colder and there's simply a vibe in the air that gives "winter is coming" a whole new meaning. Whether this time can hit some people harder than others, it affects us all in one way or another. Thankfully, there a good number of things you can try to keep those winter blues at bay. Affirmations, for example, are small but mighty things that can make all the difference when you use them right during your daily life. To keep your spirits up when you're feeling the most down, we've put together a list of affirmations to help you get through the winter blues.

'I Am Thankful for Everything I Have in This Moment'

The holidays are supposed to be about giving, but whether it be giving thanks or giving actual physical gifts, this time can bring up a lot of negative thoughts and feelings. This is especially true when it comes to the things we want, as our society tends to focus on making us believe that buying more and spending more gives you more to be thankful for. This affirmation is great for reminding you to slow down and appreciate all that you already have, in terms of both belongings and the people and environment that surround you. Saying this one to yourself daily will help you stop and take notice of your family, friends, home and even all the small luxuries that bring you comfort and happiness (even when you don't realize it).

Unsplash Woman Enjoying Falling Snow Andi Rieger

(via Unsplash)


Also read about: Why It's Okay to Feel Disappointed After the Holidays


'Everything Always Happens for a Reason and for the Better'

Most of us have heard "everything happens for a reason" before, but it can be hard to believe when you're stuck in a rut and seem to be bombarded by nothing but bad news. However, hindsight always proves that even these hardships bring about good things in the long-term. It may be hard to realize it in the moment, but even tough moments (which can be frequent during winter) help you become better so long as you learn from them. Adding the extra "for the better" to this common affirmation helps remind you that even bad things that happen to you are actually happening for you.


'I Am So Loved and Appreciated'

Winter is the time when we spend most of our time indoors (more than the rest of the year, anyway), and this can easily make almost anyone feel a bit lonely. But when you feel stuck and you're watching nothing but cheesy romantic movies set in idyllic winter villages, giving yourself the reminder that you are always loved and appreciated can help you get through the season while making the most of it.

Unsplash holiday hug Aurélien Dockwiller

(via Unsplash)


'My Life Gets Better Every Day'

This one not only helps you look ahead to the longer, warmer days that lie ahead once we say goodbye to winter, but it also helps you stay hopeful about life in general. No matter how you feel about where you're currently at in life, telling yourself that things only keep going up from here is the best way to motivate yourself to take action towards the things you want most.


Also read about: 4 Things You Don't Need to Do During the Holidays


'I Love My Body and Appreciate Everything It Does for Me'

Finally, an affirmation that helps with the depleted confidence that many of us feel this time of year. It is 100% okay to let yourself relax during winter, and not just around the holidays. It's a season designed for cozy meals and relaxing on the couch sipping hot cocoa, but that can lead to some troubles when it comes to your self-confidence. Telling yourself how much you love and appreciate your body will help you push your insecurities to the side, as  it acts as a reminder of how amazing your body is in every single shape, size and form. So go ahead and reach for seconds on your grandma's homemade pumpkin pie at your Christmas dinner, and don't bother with punishing yourself if you feel that you've over-indulged.


With that said, there are so many other reasons why you shouldn't worry about relaxing a bit this winter (and over the holidays in particular). Click HERE to check out our post on why you shouldn't worry about gaining weight over the holidays.