Ali Brustofski: What Girl Power Means To Me
To me, girl power means having the confidence to believe in yourself and your dreams. These days there is a lot of negative pressure in the media to look or feel "perfect," but what we forget is that each and every one of us girls is perfect just the way we are – right now.
Sometimes it's hard to see how truly amazing and beautiful you are, inside and out. Girl power also means loving yourself, flaws and all, and being happy with the person you are.
Don't ever let anyone bring you down, just believe in yourself and follow your heart towards your goals. Show the world the strong, gorgeous girl that you are, and do what you love no matter how hard the odds are.
Never give up on yourself or your goals, and always DREAM BIG! 🙂
xoxo Ali
Ali Brustofski is a singer-songwriter from Oakland, New Jersey whose incredible voice and musical abilities have propelled her to YouTube fame. Her debut EP, "Dream Big," is named after her daily mantra. Big dreams are what keep her inspired!