Get to Know YouTuber Annie Rose on a Personal Level
We've loved following YouTuber Annie Rose on all her amazing adventures so far.
Her positivity and insight are something we could all use a little more of in our lives. She let Sweety High get to know her on a personal level this week as our Wednesday girl crush. Keep reading to find out what we learned!
(Photo courtesy of Annie Rose)
Full Name: Annie Rose Cole
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Birthday: Jan. 26
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Fun Facts:
1. People always come to her for help editing their videos and Instagram photos.
"I have the best editing apps on my phone!"
–Annie Rose
2. If she could live in any fictional world, it would be Candyland.
"When I was younger, I wrote a whole chapter book of an adventure in Candyland! I didn't know about copyright issues then."
–Annie Rose
3. She adores her cats Milo and Prince.
"They are so sweet, cuddly and playful."
–Annie Rose
4. Her mom is her all-time favorite superhero.
5. She would want to play herself in a movie about her life.
"I am taking film acting classes now, so maybe one day I'll do some acting myself."
–Annie Rose
6. She's seen Elf at least 20 times.
Blogging is a great starting point for girls in their career now. Get to know another gal who got her start that way HERE.