Anti-Bullying PSAs with Sweety High!
October is anti-bullying month! Sweety High has always took a stand against bullying, and this month we want you to check out our anti-bullying PSAs. Learn what you can do to join us against bullying!
These PSAs teach important life lessons that every tween and teen girl should know.
First of all, say no to bullying. Both bullying and cyber-bullying can have horrible consequences the bully never intended.
After all, it's never cool to be mean. Never bully others, and if you're being bullied, seek help.
"Some things aren't meant to be handled alone." Bullying is definitely one of those things!
So if you're being bullied, tell a parent, guardian, or another trusted adult and "Know that it's never okay for anyone to make you feel less than awesome!"
Check out the anti-bullying PSAs below and tell us what you do to put a stop to bullying!
Join us at Sweety High for even more tips on handling bully situations, and to meet other awesome girls in a no-bullying environment!