Baby Rhino Learns to Wallow – Video Pick Of the Day!
Is this mama rhino trying to crush her baby? No! This is the moment this baby rhino learns to wallow!
Mama rhino is teaching baby Anne the Southern White Rhinoceros to wallow in the mud! At 10 days old, baby Anne already weighed 155 pounds! When they're born, rhino calves already weigh anywhere from 50 to 90 lbs.!
Wallowing is the act of rolling around in thick mud. When rhinos are coated with mud, their skin is protected from harsh heat and sunburn. It also keeps away the bugs, because the mud masks the scent of the rhinos, which attracts blood-sucking mosquitoes!
Rhinos will look for places to live that specifically have muddy patches where they can wallow! It's nearly as important to them as having a source of water and food. Rhinos love their mud!