6 Celebratory Birthday Texts to Send the Aries in Your Life

Aries season corresponds with the official start of spring, we're not exaggerating when we say it's one of our favorite times of the year. Perhaps it's no coincidence, then, that many of our closest friends and loved ones are also Aries, born between March 21 and April 19.

The new season carries precisely the kind of energy we've been needing in our lives lately, including a lively eagerness and the desire to leap to action. If things have been feeling stagnant, you might finally find the motivation to take that next step and accomplish whatever you set your mind to. Perhaps this includes selecting the perfect birthday gift and constructing the ideal celebratory text for the Aries in your life? Aries love recognition and being commemorated with a personal touch, so below are some great birthday texts crafted with them in mind.

'I hope you have an exciting birthday and a thrilling year filled with even more unforgettable adventures.'

If Aries is known for one thing, it's their active and adventurous natures. They're generally bursting with both physical and emotional energy and are more daring than most, and we'll bet you that they've done some pretty interesting and exciting thing over the past 365 days. This birthday messages recognizes the greatness they've already achieved, as well as their potential for even more epic journeys in the future. Plus, it gives them the chance to tell you about any plans they have—and maybe join in on the fun yourself.


'Can't wait to celebrate you on your special day. Your birthday party is always one of my favorite days of the year!'

Aries aren't known for being shy, and their outgoing natures—as well as the fact that they like to make others feel included and important—make them the life of any party. That's especially try when it's a party in their own name. That positive energy and confidence can be positively contagious, and there ain't no party like an Aries party. If you can't wait to celebrate them, let them know it!

Shutterstock: Group of friends celebrating with champagne

(via Shutterstock)


Also read about: What Your Aries Decan Reveals About Your Personality


'Happy birthday! Remembering when we went skydiving last year and hoping we can up the ante next time around…'

Just because Aries are impulsive and tend to live in the moment doesn't mean that they don't appreciate a bit of nostalgia every once in a while. For their birthday, we suggest reflecting on a favorite memory with them—especially if it it's one that shows off their talents or proclivity for being a daredevil. Conjure up all of the excitement and adrenaline of the moment, and then tease them a little with the promise of even more fun in the near future.


'Happy birthday to the person who always pushes me out of my comfort zone and makes me the best I can be. Always looking up to you!'

We appreciate the Aries in our lives for always encouraging us and making us feel empowered to go after opportunities that may feel scary or out of reach. Whether they mean to or not, they exhibit a fearlessness that makes us want to try everything, push ourselves out of our comfort zones and become our best selves. If your favorite Aries has inspired you to be more like them (if perhaps a bit less impulsive), we think that's a lovely thing to share with them on their birthday.

Unsplash: Happy birthday celebration by sujan khalifa

(via Unsplash)


Also read about: Your Guide to Flirting With a Fire Sign


'May the candles on your birthday cake burn as bright as you do (before you blow them out to make your wish, or course).'

As not just a fire sign, but also the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is known for burning bright. The element symbolizes passion, energy and ambition, and in the right circumstances, Aries simply can't keep that fire to themselves, causing their excitement and drive to spread to those around them. We love the way that symbolism extends to the flickering candles on their cake, and the idea that blowing them out results in a wish come true. If you feel the same, you may also want to send them this birthday wish.


'Sending warm birthday wishes to the coolest person I know. Everyone should use their birthday wish on becoming as confident and passionate as you are. What do you even have left to wish for?'

We can't be the only ones who are a little bit jealous of an Aries friend. It can seem like they have everything going on, starting with their charismatic personality and effortless sense of confidence. Chances are, they'll appreciate hearing that from you. Asking them about what they're wishing for this year (even if they keep things vague to allow it to come true) can also give you some interesting insights into the Aries who inspires you most.

Shutterstock: Woman Blowing Out Candles On Birthday Cake

(via Shutterstock)


Eager to make the most of the start of spring? Click HERE to discover our favorite bold activities for your Aries season bucket list.