Signs You’re Having the Best Halloween Ever
If you're like us, spending your time planning out the perfect Halloween night is your favorite October activity.
The costume, the outing, and the optimal method of candy attainment all make the list of necessary preparations, and it's not uncommon to change your mind two or three or five times to make sure your Halloween is the best it can possibly be.
But when the big night arrives, how do you know if you've succeeded? We have the answers! Scroll below for six signs you're having the best Halloween ever.
Your Costume Is on Point
The main focus of Halloween is always the costumes, so it's not surprising that your outfit can make or break your evening. Whether you decide to go scary, cutesy, funny or anything in between, much of your planning time is spent browsing the web for your ideal ensemble. But the only way to really know if you've picked the right outfit is to wait and see everyone's reactions on the big night. There's no better feeling than receiving positive responses from the people around you about a costume you feel comfortable in—and it's a surefire way to make your Halloween amazing. If you've spent your evening receiving dozens of compliments on your costume, you can be sure you're winning the Halloween game.
It's a Phone-Free Zone
Our phones are our babies, and spending an hour or two without checking them is almost unheard of. However, your phone activity is also dependent on your level of interest in what's happening around you. If you find yourself so engrossed in your Halloween plans that you haven't checked your phone in who knows how long, you can be sure that you're having a good time. It's not that checking your phone is bad, but when you're truly enjoying yourself, you won't want to step away for anything, not even a quick scroll through Instagram.
You've Found the Ideal Balance of Candy Intake
Halloween is the perfect time to eat a massive amount of sweets with absolutely no guilt. But with so much candy readily available, finding the right balance of sugar is key. If you eat too few sweets you are not fully taking advantage of the candy-focused holiday, but if you eat too many, you might find yourself with an irritating stomach ache that will totally mess with your Halloween vibe. But if you've found yourself in the Goldilocks sweet spot where your candy intake is just right, you can be sure you're having a great night. In this zone you are assured a stomach ache-free evening, and you'll still have plenty of candy left over for the rest of the holiday months.
The Time Flies
Even though it's an overused phrase, time really does fly when you're having fun. If you feel like you blinked and suddenly Halloween was over, there's no reason to be upset, it just means that you had a great time! Sadly, fun nights always seem to end faster because we want them to last forever, but you can take solace in the fact that your Halloween really was amazing.
You're Doing What You Want
With so many options for fun Halloween outings, it's easy to get roped into plans that you don't actually want to participate in. If you don't like scary activities and you find yourself accompanying your friends to a haunted house, you probably won't have the most enjoyable evening. Don't stop yourself from trying new things, but be sure that you are comfortable and excited about any activity that you choose to do. If you are happy about your evening plans, you will be sure to have a much better time!
You Feel Confident
The most important part of having a great Halloween night is ensuring that you feel happy and confident with whatever you decide to do. If you're feeling uncomfortable or irritated with your plans before the big night, your evening will probably be significantly less fun. But if you feel confident in what you're wearing, happy about your plans and excited about the people you are spending time with, your Halloween is guaranteed to be a great one.
Are you a little too scared of the typical Halloween activities? Check out THESE Halloween movies even the biggest scaredy cats can enjoy.