These Classic Beverly Cleary Quotes Also Work as Fabulous Instagram Captions

Last month, we said goodbye to Beverly Cleary, the beloved author of children's books and young adult fiction alike whose work was absolutely essential to our childhoods.

She passed at the age of 104, leaving behind dozens of incredible books— including our favorites about Ramona Quimby—and we think her stories will continue to be read for decades to come. To celebrate the esteemed writer's life, here are some of our favorite quotes from the author and her books that also work as great Instagram captions.

For when impatience actually leads to something great:

"She was a girl who could not wait. Life was so interesting she had to find out what happened next."

Ramona the Pest, Beverly Cleary

Beverly Cleary Ramona the Pest book cover

(Ramona the Pest via HarperCollins)


For showing off your little reading corner with all of your favorite books lined up neatly in the shelves:

"Children should learn that reading is pleasure, not just something that teachers make you do in school."

-Beverly Cleary


For showing off when you've managed to make something out of nothing:

"Nothing in the whole world felt as good as being able to make something from a sudden idea."

Ramona Quimby, Age 8, Beverly Cleary


For when creativity strikes:

"I just start with the part of the story that's most vivid in my imagination and work forward and backward from there."

-Beverly Cleary


For your most mischievous book recommendation:

"As a child, I disliked books in which children learned to be 'better' children."

-Beverly Cleary


For the adorable photo of you and your BFFs that shows that you've got enough love to go around:

"Love isn't like a cup of sugar that gets used up."

Ramona the Brave, Beverly Cleary

Beverly Cleary Ramona the Brave book cover

(Ramona the Brave via HarperCollins)


For when you've started writing that book you're so eager to see:

"If you don't see the book you want on the shelves, write it."

-Beverly Cleary


For saying goodbye to something and making way for the next step:

"I guess that's what growing up is. Saying goodbye to a lot of things."

The Luckiest Girl, Beverly Cleary

Beverly Cleary The Luckiest Girl book cover

(The Luckiest Girl via HarperCollins)


For the pic of your massive to-be-read pile:

"Don't stop now. Go ahead! Be readers all of your lives."

-Beverly Cleary


What kinds of books are you reading at the moment? Click HERE for our favorite Animorphs quotes to try as Instagram captions.