Boy’s Letter to Santa Helps His Sister Meet BTR!

On Monday, we posted the incredible story of a young boy's letter to Santa asking him to help with his twin sister, Amber's, bullying situation. He also asked for Big Time Rush to show up for her upcoming birthday party.Boy's Letter to Santa Big Time Rush

It seems that boy, Ryan Suffern's wishes have come true, because Amber and Ryan met Big Time Rush this morning on the set of Good Morning America!

Ryan wrote the letter to Santa asking him to help with the horrible bullying his sister faced on a daily basis. He also asked for the gift of BTR for Amber.

"Is it against the rules to give gift early?," Ryan wrote in part of his letter. "Can you ask Big Time Rush to come to Amber's B-day party it will make her so happy."

The band performed their hit song "Worldwide" just for Amber. Thanks to Ryan's selflessness, one of Amber's wishes has been realized, and we hope that her story will raise more awareness about bullying! Big Time Rush are so sweet, and it's amazing to see them make dreams come true!