Brave Fest San Diego With Digi Diaries!
In the second episode of Sweety High's Digi Diaries, we take you backstage at Brave Fest San Diego for an incredible day full of social stars and incredible musicians!
Co-hosted by Sweety High's own Alex Schiffman and YouTube beauty guru Ava Allan, Brave Fest was absolutely full of the biggest stars from the web!
We get to hear from Lele Pons, Aidan Alexander, AlliCattt and more about what makes Brave Fest so spectacular, while Midnight Red, Sweet Suspense and more tell us about the bravest things they've ever done! Watch and find out how the guys of Midnight Red deal with bullies!
In honor of the second Brave Fest, stars including Alexi Blue and Mackenzie Gaston describe themselves in just two words, and then give a very special update to their fans!
Love Digi Dairies? Subscribe to our channel here, and check out the first episode, starring Aidan Alexander, Destin Conrad and many more! Also be sure to check out our My Digi Diary contest, only on!