How Carmen DeLeon Wrote the Boundary-Smashing Hit ‘Volvervás’
At 19, Carmen DeLeon is a musical talent who's proving she can do it all.
Born in Caracas, Venezuela, Carmen has also spent time living in Miami, Florida and Barcelona, Spain, honing her singing abilities all the way, and becoming a hit on the Spanish version of The Voice when she was just 17.
Two years later, her incredible voice is making waves thanks to her debut single, "Volverás", which has found fans around the world, proving that Spanish-language songs can be hits anywhere. We got the chance to ask Carmen all about the track and why it works, so keep reading to discover everything she had to reveal.
Sweety High: What was the songwriting process behind "Volverás"?
Carmen DeLeon: I was so excited to get to work with Tainy on this song. He's amazing at what he does and so humble. I loved writing with Cris Chil and Andy Clay—we would sit and talk through different experiences we've had and the song would come from there. I'm so happy it's out!
SH: What inspired the song, and why is it meaningful to you?
CD: I have had not only heartbreaks but a lot of friendships that have been fake, and hurt me in different ways. Writing this song helped me realize who should enter my life and who doesn't deserve to.
(Image courtesy of Carmen DeLeon)
SH: For your non-Spanish speaking listeners, can you explain a little bit about what the narrative of the song is about?
CD: I think it's all about loving yourself and having the right confidence to tell the people that are toxic to stay away. A lot of people are afraid of losing someone because they don't want to be alone, so they keep on having them in their lives and hurting them, and then after a while, they realize how bad it was for them.
SH: What has it been like to have non-Spanish speaking fans fall in love with the song, despite not understanding the words?
CD: I'm very grateful for that because I know it's not easy. I think it has a lot to do with the way the melody sounds—it's catchy even if you don't understand or speak Spanish!
SH: Why do you think the song has an appeal that transcends those boundaries?
CD: I think all songs have no boundaries—everyone can listen to music that they don't understand. For some reason, there is a magic to it that makes you want to download it and dance to it even if you don't speak the language! Or even learn it and sing it! I have so many Russian and Swiss songs downloaded!
SH: How has the pandemic changed the way you make music, if at all? Has it been a challenge?
CD: I think it has changed things for all of us. For me, it's been more of a change on the creative side of things. My mind has had more time to process things that have happened to me that maybe before I didn't realize!
SH: Are there any artists that are particularly inspiring you during these unusual times?
CD: I'm listening to a lot to Camilo, Jbalvin, Jessie J (over and over again) Sebastian Yatra and more.
SH: What do you want your fans to know about you?
CD: I want them to know that I'm a human being, I'm no different from them and I want to make them happy with my music and for them to relate to me as friends and family.
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