Connected Through STEM Supports Interest In Science

L'Oreal USA For Girls In Science has just announced a new "Connected Through STEM" sweepstakes to encourage commitment to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields!

Connected Through Stem

For Girls In Science is dedicated to making girls more aware of the opportunities available to them in STEM fields, where there is a vast shortage of women. By helping girls open their minds to these topics, the program can allow girls to achieve their full potential and even the playing field for men and women!

For Girls In Science has just launched "Connected Through STEM," which allows anyone 13 and older to show their appreciation and commitment to STEM by uploading a photo including the L'Oreal double helix.

The prize winner will receive a $5000 scholarship, laptop, and L'Oreal USA beauty products. Learn more about the sweepstakes here.

"The double helix is the perfect symbol of how the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) change the world: the bond between the two helices creates DNA, the building blocks of all that is possible," says the sweepstakes website.

Learn more about L'Oreal USA's For Girls In Science on their website!