Instagram Captions for When You’ve Cut Your Own Hair
Desperate times call for desperate measures. If you've gotten so fed up with your increasingly shaggy and unkempt hair while you've been socially distancing that you've cut it yourself, you're in good company.
Even with some salons reopening, many of us have already made that leap and quickly discovered that it was a big mistake. At least hair always grows back, right? If you're courageous enough to share your own handiwork with the world, keep scrolling for some Instagram captions that might be the perfect complement to your self-cut hair pics.
For bragging about being ultra-prepared and showing off your passable new 'do:
"When you own a pair of haircutting scissors, you cut your own hair constantly."
-Emily Weiss
(via Shutterstock)
For when your friends warned you, but weren't physically there to stop you from disaster:
"Friends don't let friends cut their own hair."
For when your mess of a haircut matches how you're feeling on the inside as well:
"You're only as good as your last haircut."
-Fran Lebowitz
For when you're dearly missing your hairdresser but it might be months before you can see them again:
"I think that the most important thing a woman can have—next to talent, of course—is her hairdresser."
-Joan Crawford
For the bad haircut that definitely needs some time:
"Quarantining until my hair grows back."
(via Shutterstock)
For when your big mistake was trying to cut your own hair in the first place:
"Some of the worst mistakes of my life have been bad haircuts."
-Jim Morrison
For the picture taken immediately after you got snip-happy:
"The first thing I do after getting a haircut is regret."
-Ankit Kanungo
For that hair error you made that can easily be hidden under a hat until it fixes itself:
"You can make a lot of mistakes with hair because it grows back."
-Paul Rudd
For the blunder of trying to cut your own bangs:
"Feeling bangry."
(via Shutterstock)
For when cutting your own hair is no big deal to you:
"I cut my own hair most of the time. You just do it by feel."
-Simon Baker
For when cutting your hair feels like it's substantially altered the way you live—for better or for worse:
"A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life."
-Coco Chanel
Eager to regrow the hair you've cut? Click HERE to find out if those fast hair growth vitamins really work.