Rowan Blanchard Stars As Sue Storm In Our Dream Recasting of “Fantastic 4”
After what seems like an entire lifetime of waiting, Fantastic Four is finally out today! We're beyond ready to see one of our absolute fav superhero groups kick butt on the big screen. But we'd totally die to see a younger version of the super human team and these Disney Channel stars would be perf for that. What do we have to do to make this happen?
(via The Fashionisto)
(via Ace Showbiz + Pinterest)
Rowan Blanchard as Sue Storm
Where you've seen her: Just living the life on Girl Meets World
Why she's the best fit for the part: Rowan is a major champion for gender equality, which basically makes her a real life superhero. So playing one onscreen would be nbd for the star.
(via Ace Showbiz + Wikia)
Joey Bragg as Mr. Fantastic
Where you've seen him: Nerding it up on Liv and Maddie
Why he's the best fit for the part: Joey is a total nerd, but he's a super cute one! And Mr. Fantastic is quite the nerd himself. Obvi this part was made for Joey.
Austin North as the Human Torch
Where you've seen him: Getting into plenty of sticky situations on I Didn't Do It
Why he's the best fit for the part: Austin's hot. The Human Torch is (literally) hot. Enough said.
(via Twitter + Comic Vine)
BooBoo Stewart as The Thing
Where you've seen him: Stealing our hearts in Disney's Descendants
Why he's the best fit for the part: He's got the muscles already and without the help of CGI.
(via Pinterest + Comic Vine)
Calum Worthy as Dr. Doom
Where you've seen him: Causing us to LOL so hard we cry face emoji on Austin & Ally
Why he's the best fit for the part: Dr. Doom is anything but funny. It would be nice to see Calum bring some humor to the evil villain. Maybe then we'd start to like him.
Who do you think would make the best younger version of each character? Give us your own casting choices in the comments below.