These Adorable Dogs Could Be Your School’s Newest Counselor

For everyone who's spent countless hours imagining how much better school would be with dogs around, your dreams might just be coming true.

Many schools are officially embracing the Department of Education's new Comfort Dog Program, which allows schools to adopt rescue pups, as long as they are approved by the North Shore Animal League America. After the dogs have been chosen, they are put through a training program and officially offered their new jobs.

If the pooches accept the offer, they are a certified member of the school's social-emotional supports, which mostly requires them to be their adorable selves.

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The Comfort Dog Program is part of an attempt to improve school culture by offering a positive alternative to punitive measures. The dogs are used to help children calm down, provide them emotional support, and bring a smile to their faces.

We don't know about you, but we would take a dog for a school counselor any day.

Click HERE to learn more about the Comfort Dog Program.


These dogs are undeniably cute, but take a look at THIS pup that interrupted a game to show off her impressive soccer skills!