Duck the Halls With Sadie & John Luke Robertson!

Sadie and John Luke Robertson are well known as the kids of Will and Korie on the hit A&E reality show, Duck Dynasty. This year, they're also getting into the holiday spirit with an album called Duck The Halls – A Robertson Family Christmas!Duck The Halls

We spoke with Sadie and John Luke about Duck the Halls, as well as some of their favorite festive traditions!

The concept behind Duck The Halls started developing last year around Christmas.

"Missy has always been the singer of the family and she thought that we had it in us," Sadie said.

Last year, Missy sang "Silent Night" in one episode of the show, and for the Christmas episode, the rest of the family joined her. The group thought that they should do more songs together in the future, and Missy agreed.

"She always wanted to do something with music and now that the holidays are here, and Duck Dynasty was pretty crazy this year, we thought, what better way to get the music side out of usA?" Sadie said.

Every member of the family besides John Luke is featured on the album.

"John Luke wasn't allowed to sing," Sadie explained. "He is a little tone-deaf. Even Si got to do it over him! I did feel a little bad for him, but the Robertsons just speak the truth."

He was even excluded on the family's big rendition of "Duck The Halls."

John Luke explained that the title track was inspired by ducks and the song "Deck the Halls."

The song "Hairy Christmas" was written by a good friend of the family named Chancie Neal.

"It was really fun to get to do that one with her, because she is actually getting her start in Nashville and she lives just about 20 minutes from us," Sadie said. "It was cool to see her get to do that with us."

The album also features guest appearances by legendary country stars, including Josh Turner, Alison Krauss and George Strait.

John Luke said that they were all "Good people, just really, really good people with amazing talent."

The family also has a number of Christmas traditions. They spend Christmas Eve with Korie's side of the family.

"We have talent shows, 'Black Santa,' all kinds of games like that," John Luke said. "Christmas morning we wake up and have Christmas at our house."

Afterward, they visit grandparents, and at night they go to Phil and Kay's to continue the Christmas celebrations.

"That is always my favorite, because the entire family is there and the food is amazing," John Luke said. "It is just something special."

Not surprisingly, fresh duck is a staple of the Robertson's Christmas dinners.

"Mamaw Kay's gag gifts that she gives every year would surprise some people, because she doesn't come across as being funny on the show," Sadie said. "She is just sweet and she tries to make everyone laugh and it is so not funny that you end up laughing."

These gifts generally have something to do with each family member's previous year.

"Say that I told her I like basketball, then she would give me a movie on basketball or something," Sadie said. "She got Uncle Alan a Wonder Woman doll once. I have no idea why, but she thought it was hilarious!"

A series of Duck The Halls web episodes are now online as well!

"It's hilarious and develops the full Christmas album, too," John Luke said. "It shows how the family worked together on the Christmas album. And Si is hilarious on TV."

Sadie's recalled her favorite moment with her Uncle Si, which happened way before the show started filming, when she was about 7. Sadie and her sister Rebecca were at their house by themselves when they heard the door open. They thought someone was breaking into the house.

"We were trying to be really quiet, sneaking around the house to see what was going on," Sadie explained. "We get there and we see Uncle Si in the kitchen. We were like, 'What is he doing?' He started playing poker against himself — it was the weirdest thing that I have ever seen."

Si continued to sit at the table, dealing the cards and muttering "check" and "fold" to himself.

"We really thought someone was breaking in and it was just Uncle Si playing a game of cards by himself," Sadie said.

Being a part of Duck Dynasty has changed the lives of both Sadie and John Luke in a few important ways.

"My life has definitely gotten a lot busier since the show started and a lot more people know my name," John Luke explained. "Right now I am sitting in New York City and that is something that I never would have gotten to do before this show. I am still just mesmerized by all the different places I get to go to and all the different things and people I get to meet who have touched my life."

We hope that Duck The Halls is a big success!

What are some of your holiday traditions? Join us at Sweety High and share them with us!