14 Memes for Anyone Who Likes Eating More Than Anything Else

We love food.

Fast food, fancy food, homemade food—it doesn't really matter what it is, we'll probably eat it. In fact, we'll probably eat way too much of it.

If you feel the same way, keep scrolling for 14 memes for anyone who likes eating more than anything else.

1. One of these things is clearly better than the other:

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2. This was a terrible idea:


3. Don't tell us when to eat:


4. Well, it's not wrong:

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5. It's the only thing worth exploring:


6. Fit fam for life:


7. It's also our only hobby:


8. We are not fine:


9. Just a little hangry, that's all:


10. Yes, please:


11. Oh, the painful accuracy:


12. How do you think it is?


13. All good now:


14. We'd be rich:


On the hunt for more laugh-worthy content? Click HERE For memes you'll relate to if you like dogs more than people.