Emma Roberts, Vanessa Hudgens and Selena Gomez are “Spring Breakers”

Could this be true? Three of our favorite female actresses, Emma Roberts, Vanessa Hudgens, and Selena Gomez, all starring in a movie about Spring Break?

Apparently the stars are in close talks to star in a film called "Spring Breakers," which according to Variety.com is "the story of four college girls who rob a restaurant to pay for their trip to the beach" only to get caught right when they get there.

Apparently this movie is "risque" and "avant garde" which is quite the drastic change for the Disney Channel and Nickelodeon stars.

So what would their roles entail? Variety reveals that "Roberts would play a Southerner who feeds off danger, while Gomez would play a religious girl."

Sounds interesting!

Selena has recently safe route in movies such as "Monte Carlo," and Disney's "The Muppets," but we are excited to see her play something a little out of her comfort zone!

What do you think about Sel taking this movie?