This One Simple Tip Immediately Changed My Brows for the Better

Eyebrows are two measly strips of hair that lie atop our eyelids, yet they play such a big role in our appearance.

We've spent countless hours tweezing, waxing, reading extensive guides on perfecting and visiting the biggest names in the beauty biz—all for the sake of achieving picture-perfect brows like Kylie Jenner.

Just when we thought we'd mastered all we needed to know, we were shocked to learn there's yet another tip that enhances our brows even more.

Recently, I paid a visit to Kylie's brow specialist Erin "EB" Bryant, and she gave me the best pointer that I (or anyone) can take with me wherever I go—whether that be in a professional salon, or in my own bathroom.

"Always shade in your brows two hues lighter than their original color," she told me, further explaining that natural brows look a little patchy, so shading them in super dark will make them one solid color, which isn't what they're supposed to look like. 

And guess what? She was spot-on. I'd been using a dark brown NYX eyebrow shadow for the longest time, because the shade that accompanied it was in the beige family, and I never in a million years thought it would even mildly blend in with my brows.


(I was originally using the hue on the right, but transitioned over to the one of the left, and have never gone back!)
(Me, before realizing my then-shaded brows were way too bold)

Boy was I wrong. I've been using the beige-ish shade instead of the dark brown shade for about a month now, and my eyebrows look so much more natural, but still adequately filled-in. No more dark brown for this little lady.


(Me at the office, showing off my brand new Longemity water bottle—and new brows)

It's wild how one little change can completely change your face. And if there's one thing I've learned about brows, it's that there's always more to know.


If you're unbasic eyebrow shades are more your thing, click HERE to read about what happened when Allison wore bright blue brows for a whole day.