The 5 Best First Date Spots for College Students
Dating in college is different than dating during any other time of life, and it isn't difficult to imagine why.
After all, you're dealing with an amount of freedom you've never felt before, an amount of responsibility you've never felt before and a budget that hardly supports the kind of life you wish you could be living with all that freedom and responsibility. However, you're also surrounded by the largest group of dateable people you've probably ever been around, and it's a pool that's definitely worth jumping into.
With that said, though, finding somewhere to actually go on a date can be tough in college. It isn't impossible, though, and we've laid out a list of some of the best first date spots for college students for you here:
1. A Campus Event
No, it's not super uncool to actually attend all those campus events your university is always putting on—especially not when you bring a date. Not only is a campus event an easy way to extend the invite for a date (it can be as easy as texting a "hey did you want to check out that fair thing they're putting on tonight?"), but it's free. And for a solid bonus, free food and prizes are usually included, too. Even if the event is a total bust, it gives you something to chat about with your date while you search for something better to do.
(via Shutterstock)
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2. The Movies
Think an old-fashioned movie date is boring? We beg to differ. First of all, many theaters give student discounts. Second, there are tons of great movies coming out right now! And third, it's a classic date spot that any hopeless romantic won't be able to resist (or just an excuse to sit close together and let the chemistry be felt from more than just the screen).
(via Shutterstock)
3. A Museum
There's a good chance that the city your university is in has some sort of art museum located there, and there's an even better chance that that museum gives student discounts. This date spot seems well-planned and makes you seem pretty cultured, when in reality it's an easy idea that doesn't take a whole lot of work to figure out in advance.
(via Shutterstock)
4. A Park
If you're both fairly new to the city or at least only moved there to attend college, use that as an excuse to check out the local area and find a good park to have a sunset stroll in. What could be more romantic than that? If you need a good invite that doesn't feel too forced, we'd go with a "have you checked out ___ park yet? I've been wanting to go since I moved but haven't had the chance yet, would love to explore if you're down."
(via Shutterstock)
5. Literally Any Restaurant Where You Sit Down to Order
As in, don't just take your date to Chipotle (as great as that does sound). In college, we get so used to the fast food, ramen and dining hall lifestyle that it can be all too easy to forget the joy of actually "dining out." That can work to your benefit, though, by showing that you're willing to put in the effort (and cash, if you're the one inviting and paying) to actually go on a date at a "real" restaurant—even if it's just the nearest P.F. Chang's. Bonus points for making a reservation, especially if it's with someone you're really trying to impress.
(via Shutterstock)
Also read about: 4 Non-Dating App Places to Meet Girls in College
All in all, when you're strapped for ideas for spots to go on a first date, just remember that the place matters less than the person. If you like them and chemistry is there, simply going anywhere other than the common area of your dorm will probably do. But, you can always reference this list for some real winning ideas, of course.
And if you need some extra advice on dating in your first year of college, simply click HERE for our tips on that exact topic.