5 Foods That Might Help With Your Headache

by Vanessa Nyfeler


Do you ever wake up in the morning already feeling a pounding in your head? Or come home from school or work before a headache really kicks in?

Nevertheless, you don't always want to take painkillers or listen to the well-intentioned "drink water" advice from the people around you (even though you should). Once you've properly hydrated,  here are five foods that can effectively help your headache in a natural way.


Dates have a high proportion of natural salicylic acid, an ingredient in painkillers like aspirin. They therefore have a pain-relieving effect. However, dates have a high sugar content, which in turn isn't that great for your headache. So, enjoy in moderation!


(via Shutterstock)


In addition to its great taste, fatty fish such as salmon is particularly popular because of its omega-3 content. This healthy fatty acid is essential for your body. According to studies, it also helps with headaches, especially migraines. In combination with vitamin D, it is said to work even better. And you guessed it: Salmon also contains vitamin D.


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Whole Grains

Whole grains keep blood sugar levels constant, which is essential to protect you from headaches. Instead of white flour products, which raise your blood sugar levels, opt for wholegrain options. Studies also show the important role of fiber in preventing headaches.

Whole grain and bread

(via Shutterstock)


Whether coffee helps with headaches or not is controversial. However, it can help if you drink coffee regularly and didn't have one today, as the cause of your headache could be caffeine withdrawal. In this case, drinking a cup of coffee can help temporarily. Many people also swear by coffee with lemon for headaches.


Cayenne Pepper

One user on TikTok talks about her ultimate headache remedy, cayenne pepper. Her family (as well as hundreds of people commenting) seem to confirm that it works. Why not give it a try?

@dalilaramirez9423 Cayanne pepper benefits #headache #headacherelief #migraine #migrainerelief ♬ original sound – Dalila Ramirez


Looking to eat more intentionally? Click HERE to discover five high-protein, nutrient-dense meals to try.