Emblem3 Drops Their Forever Together EP!

Emblem3's new EP Forever Together dropped this morning, featuring five unforgettable tracks!emblem3 together forever

After rocking The X Factor U.S.A.'s second season and releasing the hit single "Chloe," Wesley and Keaton Stromberg are back and better than ever with brand new pop hooks and a more mature sound.

The new EP features tracks "Forever Together," "Obsessed," "Don't Know Her Name," "Heavy" and "Love Will Be There."

Over the weekend, Emblem3 streamed the new EP on their YouTube channel. You can still listen to all five songs on their YouTube channel, here!

You can also buy the entire EP off iTunes for just $5.99 here. Listen to the title track, "Forever Together," below, and join our Emblem3 fan club at Sweety High to discuss the exciting news with fellow Emblems!