How GG Magree Explored Heartbreak and Avoiding Self-Destruction in Her New Song ‘My Wicked’

We firmly believe that we're about to see a lot more of Australian singer-songwriter GG Magree.

Known for her raw and emotional electronic tracks, with a dash of punk-rock thrown in, GG always tugs on our heartstrings. Her melodic new track, "My Wicked," premiered this morning, and it has to be our favorite yet.

With her debut EP, as well as a performance at Coachella, on the horizon, we got the chance to chat with GG about what the new song means to her, and what she learned about herself in the process of writing it.

Sweety High: What was the songwriting process behind "My Wicked"? What does the song mean to you?

GG Magree: I was going "through it" when I wrote "My Wicked." I was trying to find the peace in something I knew would kill me. When I was recording the vocals, I was bawling my eyes out because it was a huge wake-up call. Stepping away from something or someone that is your comfort blanket is hard because you always have that "what if" thought in your head, and I became slightly addicted to the pain I was feeling.


SH: Did you write this one in response to a real-life heartbreak? Do you have any advice for making it through a toxic breakup?

GGM: It's a huge heartbreak song, both with my partner at the time but also with myself! My only advice is to always choose yourself. Put yourself first, because, at the end of the day, no one cares about you more than you.


SH: What's your favorite lyric from the track? Why?

GGM: "I finally realized I need to hold me tight and kill all my demons tonight." It was the moment I was like, okay, enough is enough. You're doing this to yourself. You're causing not only yourself pain, but also the person you fell in love with.


SH: How is "My Wicked" different from what you've released in the past? Musically, do you feel like you're headed in a new direction?

GGM: To me, it's the most powerful song I've ever released! Oh, yeah baby—we about to get a lot more punk!


SH: Is there anything you can tease about your upcoming EP?

GGM: There's nothing more powerful than falling in love with the dichotomy of your heart.


SH: What else are you most excited for in 2022?

GGM: Music! This is the first time in my entire career I am beyond in love with what I am putting out in the world! I honestly feel like I've truly found myself as an artist and I'm so excited to show it to the world!


If you love discovering the stories behind your favorite tracks, click HERE to read our interview with LØLØ on her new song "debbie downer," featuring Maggie Lindemann.