GoldieBlox Commercial Is All About Girl Power!
The girl power engineering company GoldieBlox recently released one of the best ads Sweety High has seen in a long time with an empowering update on the song "Girls" by the Beastie Boys!
The video begins with girls Sabrina, Reese, and Raven watching a commercial about girls doing nothing in pink dresses, and being bored out of their minds.
The girls put on a record playing the new version of "Girls" with lyrics like "it's time to change, we deserve to see a range, 'cause all our toys look just the same, and we would like to use our brains."
The girls don their toolkits, hardhats, and protective goggles and get to work as the spinning record player sets off an amazing Rube Goldberg device, with GoldieBlox toys making up many components of the crazy chain reaction!
GoldieBlox is "A toy company out to show the world that girls deserve more choices than dolls and princesses," according to a description on the video. "We believe that femininity is strong and girls will build the future — literally."
At the end of the video, the elaborate device changes the channel on the TV to an awesome GoldieBlox commercial showing what girls are really capable of!
We absolutely can't wait to hear more from this awesome budding company!
What are your favorite girl power toys and activities? Join us at Sweety High and tell us about them!