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Sweety High's new Sweety Scribbles contest is all about good fortune

Need a little help thinking about good luck? Check out some celebrity fortunes and good luck charms below for some extra luck.

Ed Sheeran thinks his fortune cookie is mocking him… We think it was an extra stroke of good luck

After the L.A. Kings won the Stanley Cup in 2014, Bradley Steven Perry said that girlfriend Sabrina Carpenter was his good luck charm.

Bethany Mota falls in love with a Paris and macaron-themed bracelet charm from Ladurée.

Taylor Swift's lucky number has always been 13. She was born on December 13, 1989, turned 13 years old on Friday the 13th, and her first album went gold in 13 weeks!

Jennifer Lawrence made us all fall in love with her even more when, after stumbling at the Oscars for the second year in a row, she claimed that tripping on the red carpet was her good luck charm.

In a 2009 issue of Creme Magazine, Emma Watson revealed that long ago, she made a wish on a wishbone to nab the role of Hermione Granger. Clearly it worked, and she keeps the wishbone in her jewelry box to this day!

We hope those examples got you thinking about good fortune! Again, click here to check out the contest page. You can check out even more great contests at Sweety High.