15 Cheerful Good Morning Texts to Start Your Crush’s Day on the Right Note

Is there anyone who doesn't love waking up to sweet "good morning" texts from someone you like?

Lucky for all of us, these cute messages aren't just for those of us in relationships. If you're feeling brave, a good morning text to your crush is an awesome way to drop a hint and show that you're into them—and if you're not already on the receiving end of these texts, you might as well be sending them out. Keep scrolling for 15 cheerful and flirty good morning texts to start your crush's day on the right note.

For wishing them luck on an exam:

"Had a dream you crushed the test today. Pretty sure you can make it come true."


For a text that keeps it simple and sweet:

"Good morning ☀️!"


(Pretty Little Liars via Freeform)


Also read about: How to Decode These Common Emojis From Your Crush


For the crush who always sleeps badly:

"Hope you slept well last night!"


For the crush you're about to see at school:

"Good morning! Could hardly sleep because I was so excited to see you again."

Heartstopper: Charlie Texting Nick

(Heartstopper via Netflix)


Also read about: What the Different Heart Emoji Colors Mean


For a crush that could use a morning compliment:

"You're pretty cool. Just wanted to send you that so your day starts on a positive note."


For a text that's a little more on the flirty side:

"Woke up with a smile on my face because I was dreaming about you."

Zoey with a towel turban on her head sitting on her bed and looking at her phone in Grown-ish

(Black-ish via Freeform)


For a text that's cheesy and cute:

"The sun shining into my room this morning isn't nearly as bright as your smile."


Also read about: Responses for When Your Crush Texts You 'WYD?'


For letting them know you look forward to seeing them:

"I know today's going to get a lot better as soon as I see you."


Also read about: What It Means When Your Crush Leaves You on Read


For the crush who's all about meme culture:

"Rise and shine."

Shutterstock: Woman outside on a walk smiling at phone and texting wearing glasses

(via Shutterstock)


For helping them put their crappy day behind them:

"I'm calling it now—today is going to be SO much better than yesterday."


Also read about: 4 Conversations You Should Never Have Over Text


For sharing the meme that's right up their alley:

"This reminded me of you. Hope it gets your day off to a great start!"


For a text that offers a simple encouragement:

"Waking up sucks, but I hope you have the best day today."


For a morning text that's perfectly inspiring:

"Yesterday's mistakes are in the past. Get out of bed and make today better!"

Gilmore Girls: Rory staring at her phone

(Gilmore Girls via The CW)


Also read about: What Those Texts From Your Crush Really Mean


For a text that's inspiring and funny:

"Wakey wakey! Let's get this bread."


For a text when the weather outside is less than ideal:

"I know it's gloomy today, so I just wanted to give you a little sunshine in the form of this text message."


Need more ideas for working up the courage to talk to your crush? Click HERE for our favorite conversation starters by Instagram DM.