Love Grilled Cheese? This Toaster Makes It Even Easier to Make

Making a grilled cheese sandwich isn't exactly rocket science, but that doesn't mean people don't want an even easier way to do it.

A special grilled cheese toaster has been making the internet rounds recently, and there are a lot of people out there who are all about the concept.

Insider named the Nostalgia TCS2 Grilled Cheese Sandwich Toaster one of its picks last week after testing it out and seeing that the results compared well to a traditional stovetop version of the sandwich. Since then, the product has found its way onto grilled cheese fanatics' radar. Apparently, there are a lot of people out there who love the idea of putting even less effort into preparing their favorite meal. Count us in.


Grilled cheese toaster

(via Nostalgia Products)

Grilled Cheese Sandwich Toaster: $19.99

The toaster is pretty straightforward. It looks like a regular pop-up toaster, but it comes with two removable toasting baskets that keep the sandwiches in place while they're cooking. The toaster also has practical control option, including cancel, preheat and defrost, as well as an adjustable toasting dial. Finally, there's a drip tray so that the melted cheese doesn't turn into a fire hazard.

It's not something you need per se, but based on the response on Twitter, it's clear that some people really, really want it anyway.

The lesson here is clear: Never underestimate the power of grilled cheese ... or the desire to not cook.


If you haven't had enough cheese, click HERE to find out which kind you are based on your zodiac sign.