Your Guide to Flirting With a Fire Sign

If you're interested in someone you know is a Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, you may feel like you're playing with fire—and frankly, there's a pretty clear reason why. Although these three signs are represented by different symbols and different planets, they all share the same element: fire.

Fire signs are notoriously hot-headed, passionate and dynamic, which can make navigating romantic interest in them a little extra difficult. This is especially true when it comes to flirting, but you aren't without hope if you're trying to get past the test of these firey sun signs. All it takes is a little insider information, and that's what we're here to help you with. Let's jump into your guide to flirting with a fire sign (and trust us, you're going to need it):

Know What Makes Them Tick

The same way that water signs are known to be more sensitive and earth signs have a reputation for being more focused on things that are tangible and serious, fire signs have certain traits associated with their ruling element. From being extremely loyal to their friends to having certain attention-grabbing tendencies, fire signs are sure to steal your heart as quickly as they steal all the eyes in the room. If you pre-familiarize yourself with what makes them tick, you'll have the inside scoop on how to better impress them.

Unsplash Couple Standing in Front of Bonfire Wesley Balten

(via Unsplash)


Also read about: The Biggest Myth About Each Zodiac Sign


Be Confident

The problem is that fire signs are rarely impressed. The best way to even attempt to do so successfully is to be confident, and even more importantly, to be yourself. Fire signs can see through a façade easily, so flirting with one will require a level of genuine confidence that radiates through any nervousness you may be feeling (and fairly so, as fire signs can be a tad intimidating at first to those who are unfamiliar).


Give Compliments That Count

Giving a compliment just for the sake of doing so doesn't go over well with most fire signs (although a Leo may have trouble not accepting any kind of positive attention directed their way). However, compliments that are highly specific or that really mean something are a great way to break the ice and head into a successful flirting zone with just about any fire sign. Try taking note of things like a new haircut or nail color, but also compliment things like their humor or intelligence if you can find a natural way to do so.

Unsplash Man and Woman Walking in Town and Flirting Alan Quirvan

(via Unsplash)


Perfect Your Banter Skills

Flirting isn't all about being complimentary to someone, as a bit of witty banter is where the real key to success lies. This requires not only a bit of confidence but also the right level of playfulness that offers a give-and-take style conversation of back-and-forth banter. If you're both laughing, you'll know you're doing well.


Also read about: 9 Big Things to Understand About Your Leo Crush


Give Them Space to Want More

If there's one thing fire signs hate, it's feeling stifled. When flirting, you'll want to show them the attention they crave in a way that never feels like it's desperate or "too much," as these sun signs crave the excitement that comes with being left wanting more. Give them space, and leave them with the thought that they need to see you again soon to get to know you more.

Unsplash Woman Walking Away Alex Ronsdorf

(via Unsplash)


When in doubt, being yourself is the best way to flirt with anyone—but especially a fire sign. With these tips, tricks and tactics in mind, you're better off than before when it comes to getting off on the right foot with the Leo, Sag or Aries that you're crushing on.


And once you get past the flirting stage, you'll want to click HERE for what you need to know about dating a fire sign.