How to Have Your Best Single Girl Summer

If the changing weather (or even just the TikToks coming across your FYP lately) hasn't already been enough to notify you, summer is upon us.

After several months of "revenge era" content and inspirational posts, we're expecting this summer to be the hottest one yet—and we aren't just talking about the weather. This summer seems to be the best one yet for single girls, even if you're actively looking for a relationship. But whether you love being on your own or are so sick of it by now, you can embrace having your best-ever single girl summer without even having to try all that hard. It's simple, too, as all you need is to:

Remember That You Won't Be Single Forever

You know how everything feels a little bit more intense when you know it's the last time you'll be doing it (think: senior prom, grad night etc.)? Not everything in life is so easy to predict, so it's better to live as if every experience might be the last time we experience it in that way. So, even if you're a total relationship person who can't wait until the next person worth dating comes along, enjoy every moment of singledom to the fullest. After all, you never know which summer might just be the last you spend single.

Unsplash Happy Woman in White Linen Dress on the Beach

(via Unsplash)


Also read about: Why You Should Embrace Being 'The Single Friend'


Plan at Least One Group Trip

There's nothing quite like a summer friend trip, especially when you're single. Whether you're going to a far-off destination or just to the nearest city for a small staycation, a group trip can make for plenty of memories that you'll think back on for the rest of your life. So gather your group together, figure out a spot that's fun but affordable and have the time of your life with no partners involved.

Shutterstock Women on Road Trip With Friends Group of happy young women laughing and enjoying in car during a road trip to vacation. Girls having fun on road trip.

(via Shutterstock)


Also Read About: How to Actually Go On a Trip With Friends


Focus on Your (Mental and Physical) Health

Summer is the best time to work on your ultimate glow-up, both mentally and physically. When you don't have a relationship to distract from your focus on yourself, you can spend more time and attention on doing whatever you need to do to become your best self. It doesn't need to be hard, either, as focusing more on your health could mean anything from finally trying to go vegetarian to just journaling once a day. It's all in your hands, and it can only go up from here.

Unsplash Doing Outdoor Journaling

(via Unsplash)


All in all, having your best single girl summer is genuinely just about doing whatever makes you feel happy and fulfilled—no partner needed. You never know when your "person" might show up in your life, so live up every moment of sunshine until that time comes (it'll make you a better partner, too—trust us).


Of course, even if this summer isn't the last that you spend single, that is certainly not a bad thing. Click HERE for your go-to guide to enjoying being single.