How to Improve Your Thrifting Game

Over the past two decades, thrifting has skyrocketed in popularity, and we could not be more satisfied. Who doesn't love spending less money on clothes? Plus, you're supporting the environment by recycling items.

Tomorrow (Aug. 17) marks National Thrift Shop Day, so there is no better day to visit your local secondhand store for the 1,000th time or begin your first adventure. We could always use a few extra tips to improve our thrifting strategy, so keep reading to learn how to be the most efficient during your next trip.

Take Your Time

When we first started thrifting, we could never find anything good because we hated sifting through the endless aisles of clothing. But when you're skimming the items, there is a huge chance you're missing out on the piece of your dreams. 

At some locations, the items will be in bins rather than racks, so you have no choice but to spend time looking through clothes. Who knows—the jackpot might be at the very bottom of the pile.

woman's hands thrifting

(via Shutterstock)


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Don't Stop After One Store

We know, we know. After going to one thrift store, you probably won't have the energy to head to another location. But following in the steps of pro-thrifters, you'll need to visit multiple shops to get the best of the best.

More than likely, you've seen those secondhand stores that drastically upcharge the vintage band tees and denim we know and love. Have you ever wondered how they get their hands on those coveted graphic shirts? Spending hours a day going from store to store and probably even traveling nearly 100 miles.


Learn the Stocking Schedule

This advice might be one of the most necessary to increase your luck. If you go on the day before they restock, you'll find all the items that have been picked over. So, try to figure out when they put out the newest stock for the most (and best) options available.


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Find a Store that Specializes in Your Desired Items

Most days, we like to go to a general thrift shop, like Goodwill or the Salvation Army, to satisfy all our secondhand needs. However, you can save time by finding a store that specializes in what you're seeking. Some places might only sell furniture or toys.

These days, you can probably find a place for anything. There are a few places that exclusively sell vintage denim and others that offer graphic band tees. Unfortunately, you'll have to spend more money at these places, but they might have everything you need in one convenient location.

best reasons to thrift

(via Shutterstock)


Shop Off-Season

Shopping off-season is our rule of thumb, even when not shopping secondhand. Most of the time, you can catch lower prices because the majority of people are looking for items they can wear now because we all love instant gratification. Because of that, you'll have little to no competition for the items you're looking for.


Curious about our favorite thrifters? Read HERE to discover six thrifting influencers we love.