How to Know If Your Libra Crush Likes You Back

As warm, open and flirtatious individuals, you'd think that it'd be obvious when a Libra has romantic feelings for someone. The thing is, since they're like that with most people, it can be tricky to deduce when they're just being friendly or actually showing interest.

Libras, born between Sep. 23 and Oct. 22, are sociable, charming and kind, which can earn them all kinds of admirers. If you're among them, and you're wondering how your Libra crush might feel about you in return, keep an eye out for these signs.

Their Flirtation Is Specific and Complimentary

Certain Libras tend to flirt with everyone, so how can you tell when it's a romantic flirtation? The way they flirt and the language they use can give you some clues. First off, Libras will dole out the playful, teasing type of flirtation to just about anyone, while reserving the complimentary flirting for potential partners. When they like you, they'll want to make you feel special and tailor what they say to boost you up—and you alone. Extra romantic gestures, like holding hands, hugs and dances, are also usually not given out freely.

Unsplash: Man and Woman flriting on rocky beach by Toa Heftiba

(via Unsplash)


They Carve Out More Time for You

Libras are represented by a set of scales, which is appropriate given the importance they place on balance in their lives. While they're not the types to abandon things like friends, hobbies or academic pursuits in favor of love, they do take a more equal approach to the situation, ensuring that anyone who's important to them does get a good chunk of their time (on top of everything else they're balancing). So that they don't have to choose, it's also likely that they'll start inviting you everywhere, so they can bring you into their existing friend groups and keep everyone happy.


Also read about: 7 Flirty Texts to Send Your Libra Crush


They Never Let a Thoughtful Opportunity Pass

If there's any sign of the zodiac that's always extra thoughtful where it counts, it's Libra. Any time they get the chance, a smitten Libra will show their devotion, whether it's by sharing a few kind words, gifting a meaningful little present or planning a hangout they know you'll love. They're not ones to leave thoughtful opportunities hanging.

Unsplash: Two people sharing coffee and muffins by Priscilla Du Preez

(via Unsplash)


They Want to Talk About Everything

Libra is one of the chatty air signs, and communication is definitely in their wheelhouse. They prefer discussions that are honest and open, and when they're interested in you romantically, will also want to get to know about all of the thoughts running in your head and getting to know what makes you tick. If it seems like they're always trying to get you to open up and they're hanging on to every word you say, lending a supportive listening ear, that's a good sign they like like you.


Also read about: What Your Libra Decan Says About Your Personality


They Want to Share Beauty With You

Libra is one of the zodiac signs ruled by the planet Venus, which governs romance, beauty and aesthetics. You'll find that most Libras have a deep appreciation for beautiful things, whether that's fashion, art or just a naturally beautiful place. If they want to share these things with you, for example by taking you to a museum or a picturesque setting, there's a good chance it's because they also admire your beauty.

Unsplash: Two people looking out of cave at sunset by NEOM

(via Unsplash)


They Give You What You Want

As the peace-keepers of the zodiac, Libras are known for being more than willing to compromise. When they want to impress someone or get on their good side, they'll sometimes put aside their own wants and needs to make the other person happy. If you want to keep a relationship cooperative and collaborative, be mindful that you don't take advantage of this compassion, and show an ability to also make compromise.


Want to learn even more about the sign? Click HERE for the biggest things to understand about your Libra crush.