How To Make Working From Home Work For You

Nothing compares to the feeling of being able to work from home.

From the moment you transition to working fully remotely, you discover the joy of meal-prepping during your breaks, having time to paint your nails and even indulging in midday showers. However, as time passes and the initial excitement wears off, your bed being readily available at any time during the day starts to feel more and more enticing, and suddenly, you haven't taken off your pajamas all day, and you are now taking meetings from under the covers.

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It's only natural that your motivation levels start to dwindle, and this newfound arrangement, once a sparkling allure, starts to feel lonelier than expected. But lucky for you, we have a few things up our sleeve to make working from home a bit more joyous and have it stick.

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Stay Connected

The perks of working from home are endless, but you may find yourself in a rut after a while. Not to mention, spending a 9 to 5 workday alone at home can sometimes become very draining. To combat this, find time during your day to chat with work friends or schedule a FaceTime call for a good and hearty gossip session. Nothing is more fueling than some lighthearted tea!

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Also read about: The Best Gifts for Anyone Who Works From Home


Take Your Breaks

We know this sounds obvious, but when we're busy with work, sometimes taking a break just slips our minds. Set break time alerts on your calendar to remove yourself from your computer and do some stretches, and if you can take a walk outside during this time, all the better! Being able to break up your day with some outdoor time will be insurmountable in making your day feel less stagnant.

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Have a Designated Workspace

Find a space in your house where you feel most comfortable and make it your own. Personalize your workspace with decorations and pictures of friends, and splurge on some cute stationery to elevate your mundane meeting notes. And remember, WFH doesn't always have to mean home. If you have the capability of working at a cafe or even in your local park, then you should seize that opportunity. Side note–if you have a friend who is also working from home, schedule a time during the week you can work at each other's houses to break up the 9 to 5 and have a bit more fun.


Also read about: Daily Drills Is THE Brand for Lounging in Style


Develop a Routine

Have a set game plan on how you will tackle every day—and no, we are not talking about reminding yourself to send Angela that report before the workday ends. Before work, allow yourself some me-time. Use that time between waking up and opening up your computer to do skincare, meditate, work out or just lounge in bed, for all we care! Also allocate some time during the day to unwind or read a chapter of a book to get your eyes off screens and reset.

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Participate in Post-Work Activities

In our opinion, one of the most important things you can do during your workweek is to create fun things for yourself to do after work. Establishing a post-work routine holds equal significance. There is nothing like having a solid 5 to 9 that adds more light and color to your work week. Make time to see friends some days during the week, spend some time outside and do a creative project to make your Monday through Friday fly by.

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Want a plan to make the most out of your Sundays? Click Here to see how to Sunday reset like a pro.