How to Manifest Your Ideal Significant Other
Many successful people swear by vision boards and other motivational tools to help guide their lives.
In high school, my best friend and I made a list of what qualities are important to us, and guess what? That list ultimately led her to her husband.
It sounds crazy, but don't @ me just yet! Keep reading for an explanation on how to manifest your ideal significant other—and then try it yourself:
Why Is Manifesting Helpful
How can you get what you want if you don't know what you're looking for? Manifesting literally means demonstrating. When I talk about manifesting your ideal partner, it means finding a way to record what you want. By showing the universe what you're looking for, it'll make you more aware when you come across it.
If you're super close with your family, you may want to look for people who share similar bonds. Likewise, if you're a passionate athlete, someone who shares a similar passion could be perfect for you. Choose qualities from friends and family that you think are the most important and go from there.
How to Do It
There are so many different ways to manifest, so it's really up to what works for you. If you're a visual person, you can create a collage or Pinterest board with images that evoke the sentiments you are looking for in an S.O. It's totally okay to throw together pictures of people you think are super hot—after all, this is what you want. Make it your own.
If you have a million thoughts running through your head and you aren't sure what you're looking for, then maybe just get all your thoughts out in front of you. I find it really helpful to make lists and write things down. Get together with your friends to do it, it can be really helpful to see what they point out about you that you may not even realize.
Does It Work?
The short answer is yes! One afternoon in high school, my best friend and I sat outside a coffee shop and each wrote a list on a coffee cup with everything we hoped to find in a guy. We took these handwritten cups with us to college and all our homes afterward, always checking in to see if we were on the right track. Last month she got married to her dream guy and she told me she shared with him the list as one of the reasons why she knew she was in love.
(via Unsplash)
Now that you've established what you actually want, click HERE for five ways to put yourself out there romantically this fall.