Hunger Games Cast Supports Ebola Survivor Fund In New PSA
The cast of The Hunger Games appears in a new video to dispel misinformation about ebola and raise awareness and money for the Ebola Survival Fund.
Stars Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth, Josh Hutcherson, Julianne Moore, Jeffrey Wright and Mahershala Ali star in the new PSA. They explain that West Africa is in the middle of the biggest ebola outbreak in history, and the hardest hit countries are war-torn Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
As low as 20% of those diagnosed in West Africa survive because they don't have access to the types of healthcare we do here in the United States. If they had fully equipped hospitals, that survival rate would be much higher.
That's why the cast is supporting the Ebola Survival Fund. They help communities in Liberia and Sierra Leone fight the deadly virus with more doctors and better facilities in the rural areas that need it most.
What do you think of the cast's involvement with this great cause? Let us know in the comments below and join our Hunger Games fan community and talk about the causes that matter most to you at Sweety High!