Why Ian Thomas’s US Debut “Cheers” Is Sweeping the Nation
Ian Thomas is already a renowned artist in his native Belgium, and now he's making his mark stateside with the single "Cheers" featuring Tyga. We spoke with Ian to learn about the things that inspire him and find out everything there is to know about "Cheers"!
What album defined your life growing up?
1. One of my favorite albums is probably a greatest hits Queen CD.
Do you have any secret talents?
2. I used to be really, really good at playing Call of Duty. Like really, really good. Soccer would be another one.
What one item do you never leave home without?
3. Probably my phone. I always want to stay connected to my fans and to my family and friends. Since I am on the other side of the world, I want to make sure I have my phone to stay connected with everybody.
If you could have any meal right this second, what would it be?
4. Probably I would just grab some vegan avocado sushi.
What's the last book you read?
5. Love by Osho.
What's your weirdest fear?
6. I'm a little scared of spiders.
Who is your biggest musical inspiration?
7. Like I said, it's probably Queen.
Who's your favorite Disney character and why?
8. Peter Pan.
What was the inspiration behind the song "Cheers"?
I wanted to create a song where when people would listen to it, it would instantly lift their emotions. In a way, I wanted to create a song to celebrate life. Let's say you're in the car and you're having a bad day and the song comes on, it can instantaneously lift your mood. That was my main intention, just to make people happy and to give them something to feel good about.
What was it like to film the music video for that song?
I had a great time shooting the video. We had a bunch of people there for the party. A lot of friends of mine were there so it was just fun. We were pushing people into the pool and the house was beautiful. The car was very nice. It was just a crazy experience and I was very happy to share it with friends and the whole crew.
What was it like to have Tyga on your track?
To have Tyga on my track is a blessing. I'm so happy that he wanted to be part of the project. It takes the song to another level. It was a very natural way of working with him. There's not much I can say. It was just an honor to work with him. I used to be a fan of his and for him to now be on my own song it's just crazy.
You're already a pretty big star in other parts of the world. How do you plan to replicate that success here in the states?
I work with a lot of good people. I have a lot of faith in my manager. I have a lot of faith in myself in a way. And of course I have a lot of faith in my fans. Social media is also a great thing, and I've been connecting with other fans from all around the world. I see that there's a lot of fans in the United States, from Los Angeles to Chicago and New York. I'm just gonna work hard. Do some promo, of course. Do some TV shows, radio and get my face out there.
How have US fans been reacting to your new song so far?
So far, I've had amazing reactions about "Cheers." It's my first song that dropped here in the US. A lot of people can't wait to see what's next for me. They're all very excited. They all want me to perform, which is nice and I can't wait to finally get onstage here. It's just nice to get that positive reaction from a lot of people. I've also already been recognized by a couple fans on the street, which was pretty cool.
Anything else you'd like to add?
I'm vegan, which I'm very proud of. And I'm just excited to help lift this world to a better and higher place. I just want to help people connect with one another and I just want to be a breath of fresh air for the people.
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