10 Hilarious Instagram Captions For Pics of Your Delicious Lunch

Our hobbies include eating and thinking about the next time we'll be eating.

Tbh, our lives revolve around food and all the glory it has to offer. Feeling healthy? Opt for a salad. Got a carb craving? Order a pizza. Can't decide? Eat chocolate (the answer to everything). Whatever you choose to feed your belly, chances are, you've snapped a photo or two of your past food cravings.

Keep reading for 10 hilarious Instagram captions for pics of your delicious lunches:

For that photo of you looking hangry:

"I'm sorry for what I said when I was hungry."

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For that pic of your super healthy salad:

"I'm just a girl, standing in front of a salad, asking it to be a donut."


For when your S.O. is caught trying to steal some fries:

"There is no 'we' in food.'"

Unsplash: Woman eating spaghetti by Mahdi Chaghari

(via Unsplash)


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For when you're stuffing your mouth with a burger:

"I'm on a seafood diet. I see food and I eat it."

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Girl is chomping at gluten's bit @kiernanshipka #girlswithgluten

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For that photo of you staring into the fridge looking for something to eat for lunch:

"I followed my heart and it led me into the fridge."


For when you're inhaling a bar of chocolate:

"Chocolate comes from cocoa, which is a tree that makes it a plant. Chocolate is salad."


For that picture of you enjoying your free meal:

"Friends buy you lunch. Best friends eat your lunch."

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For when you're actually a very healthy person:

"Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels."


Also read about: Best Song Lyrics to Use as Instagram Captions for All Your Swimsuit Posts


For that photo of your super carby lunch:

"I think my soulmate might be carbs."


For when you're enjoying a nice plate of pasta:

"It's not about the pasta!"

-James Kennedy

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If you love food, check out THESE Instagram captions to use for your breakfast pics.