Instagram Captions for All Your Online Shopping Pictures
Since we don't always have the option to hit up the mall or our fave boutique (thanks, coronavirus), online stores are the next best bet.
Since basically all fashion stores have a website of some sort, you don't ever need to leave the comfort of your own couch! Quite frankly, it's odd if a store doesn't have a website. What are they doing, living in the dinosaur ages? If you're anything like us, you rely on your handy-dandy laptop with a plethora of tabs open, full of shopping carts with your wants and needs. If you do take the plunge and buy something, you obviously need to show it off once it arrives.
Keep reading for best Instagram caption ideas to use for all your online shopping pictures:
For that mirror pic you take in your new swag:
"Stay home and shop online. You're too pretty to look for a parking spot."
For when you don't have money to shop and take a photo of you looking sad:
"Life is so boring when you don't have an online order to look forward to."
For that pic of you beaming, holding your packages:
"I love buying things online because when they arrive it's like a gift from me to me."
For when you're showing off all your new pieces that just arrived in the mail:
"Online shopping gives me another reason to live for another two to three business days."
For that photo of you in your new workout gear:
"If only online shopping burned calories"
For when you're working on your laptop:
"My favorite emails are the ones that tell me my order has been shipped."
For that cute picture of you daydreaming in your new gear:
"I wish retail therapy was covered by my insurance."
Love shopping? Click HERE for truths you'll relate to if you're a shopaholic.