6 Best Tips for Picking the Perfect Instagram Profile Pic
You know what's even harder than picking which photo to post on your feed? Picking the photo that will live as your main Instagram bio image.
There are several reasons why you should be selective about the photo you pick as your main image. For starters, you shouldn't really change your main photo too often because this is how people start to identify your profile. When your friends and fam are scrolling through stories, many (without even realizing it) memorize your bio picture. It's also the first thing a new friend or follower will see, so you want to make a good impression.
Below are some expert tips for choosing the perfect Instagram user photo.
Choose One of Just You With Your Face In It
Yes we know your dog is cute, but you can post as many pics on your feed of Freddy as you want. For your main photo, select a shot of yourself and only yourself so that it isn't confusing who someone is following. Save your furry friend—actually, all friends for that matter—for the feed.
Stay Away From Dark Shots
Your Instagram user pic should be bright and distinctive, not dark and dreary. Because many people keep their brightness lower or on warmer tones because of the strong blue light, it's a smart idea to have a bright, light photo. This will also catch people's attention, too!
Make Sure Your Image Is in Focus
We're all about an artsy feed vibe, but leave the abstract photography for your feed. Your Instagram bio is tiny, so if your main image is blurry and tiny, it'll be nearly impossible to see what's in the photo.
Have a Clutter-Free Background
You want to make sure you really pop against the backdrop in your shot. The best photos have solid color backgrounds or tight shots of the face so you can really see the image.
Act Natural
A super posed photo, like a headshot per-se, isn't always the best idea either. You want to look like the relaxed, natural version of you. Laughing photos are always nice because people are attracted to those who smile.
Don't Over-Accessorize
Unless you're Emma Chamberlain, your Instagram bio photo is not the time to be all covered up in a hat and glasses. Again, people should be able to tell who they're following from the photo—and it's tough when you're hidden behind shades and a hat.
Speaking of Instagram photos, are you a VSCO girl? See if you can relate to the traits HERE!