Isabella Rose Taylor: A Day In The Life!

In a brand new video, teen fashion designer Isabella Rose Taylor takes us behind the scenes of "A Day In the Life" of her stylish career!Isabella Rose Taylor A Day In The Life

In the video, Isabella invites us into her home in Austin, Texas, and walks her through a very busy day in her life as a fashionista and artist!

Like most days, she begins the day by doing her makeup, explaining that getting ready in the morning is one of her favorite parts of the day.

In her office, Isabella shows off color swatches as well as an innovative and adorable new top, consisting of a painting printed on fabric with crocheted sleeves. We love getting to see a preview of her spring collection for 2015, which is showing at Austin Fashion Week!

Next, Isabella gives a tour through her art studio and reveals some of her artistic works in progress, including a massive oil painting!

She also discusses maintaining her own bonsai tree before inviting us to be a part of a casting call for the models who will display her pieces on the runway!

Earlier this year, we interviewed Isabella about her life, her style and more. Read that interview here!

You can also click here to check out the winners page for our #SweetOOTD contest. Prizes included Isabella's amazing designs!

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