JudyAnne Jackson Dishes on Her Dear Me EP and Being Inspired by Taylor Swift

Known for her powerful voice and talent that goes far beyond her years, JudyAnne Jackson is taking the music world by storm.

She had taken the stage at sold-out shows in New York City and been selected as a finalist in NBC's Today Show singer/songwriter contest before the time she could even get her driver's license, and Now, she's celebrating the release of her second EP, Dear Me, with a very special performance in her hometown of Tampa, Florida.

Released on Nov. 3, 2023, the title track of "Dear Me" is a ballad like no other—just as JudyAnne is a teen like no other. With a title track inspired by writing a letter to herself after realizing how critical we can all be of ourselves, "Dear Me" speaks to the young singer-songwriter's impressive talent, dedication and ability to inspire others. To commemorate the release of the new EP, JudyAnne performed at a record release show on Friday, Nov. 10, just a week after the world got to hear the new song for the first time. In partnership with the nonprofit organization Recycled Tunes, JudyAnne was able to celebrate her most recent accomplishment while also giving back to the musical community she loves so much.

Hosted at 1920 Ybor—a newly opened open-air music venue and café—the day before JudyAnne's 16th birthday, the EP release was more than just an intimate performance for friends, family and fans from far away (some had come as far as Colorado and Kansas to see JudyAnne perform at the event) alike. It was also an instrument drive, providing event attendees the chance to drop off brass and woodwind instruments that will be used to support music programs for schools in need. With so much going on at such a young age for JudyAnne, we were lucky enough to catch up with her before she took the stage to ask her insights into the new EP, where she takes her inspiration from, what this event in her hometown means to her and so much more.

Sweety High: This event is celebrating the release of your second EP, Dear Me, but it's also a great way to stay connected to your roots. How do you think your hometown impacts your music and songwriting?

JudyAnne Jackson: Tampa has amazing musicians. I've had the opportunity to learn from incredible professionals who play all types of music—from jazz to hard rock. I've also had the chance to connect with the local Nashville Songwriters Association chapter. These groups have been so supportive and helpful to bounce ideas off of and to provide opportunities for me to share my music in writers' rounds and in group settings where we offer each other feedback on our songs. I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to connect with and learn from people in my community who love to do what I do.

JudyAnne Jackson Dear Me EP cover

(Dear Me via JAJAX Music)


SH: Tampa is such a unique city with a lot of character. It's great that you get to highlight that with this EP launch and instrument drive. What does being from Tampa mean to you?

JJ: Tampa is such a special place. We've got such a rich history and blend of cultures. Great food and great entertainment. I love being near the water and near historical landmarks, like Ybor City. People are so supportive, and we've got amazing venues to share our music—whether on the water or in outdoor spaces like Armature Works or Water Street or in cool restaurants and coffee shops. It's a great place to live.


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SH: What excited you most about doing this event in your hometown?

JA: Being with my friends and family! My friends and family have been so supportive and I'm so grateful for them. They listen to my music and share it and sing along with me while I'm on stage. It's so special to be able to share this release with them.


SH: What inspired you to write "Dear Me," and what do you hope your fans take away from this new EP?

JJ: Ever since I was a little kid, I've loved writing letters to my future self and journaling. When I was 9 years old, I wrote myself a letter and sealed it with big instructions not to open it until my 15th birthday. I opened it last year on my birthday, and it was so cool to read words that I'd written to myself and to see how I'd grown in those six years. Songwriting has always been a way for me to express myself, so I thought, what better way for me to write a letter to myself than through song? So, that's how "Dear Me" came to be. This song is somewhat of a time capsule for my future self to look back on to see how I was feeling when I was 15. I hope that when people listen to it, they will take away the message from the song: No matter what happens, "You're stronger than you think."


SH: You're incredibly inspiring and empowering, not just for people in Tampa but for teens and aspiring singers everywhere! What message do you have for young girls who look up to you, either as a singer or as a role model?

JJ: That is so nice of you! I'm still only 15, so I feel like I still have so much to learn. But I would tell those who are younger than me that what I have found most helpful is to spend time with smart, talented artists. Take opportunities to listen and learn from others who you can see have accomplished goals that you want to achieve. Read books about songwriting and music, listen to podcasts and learn as much as you can about how others have reached their goals.


SH: Is there anyone you look up to when it comes to your music and your career in the industry?

JJ: Taylor Swift. Ever since I was 4 years old, she has inspired me to follow my dream. I absolutely love her music and her songwriting. I also feel like I can relate to her in a way because she started writing and playing music at such a young age.


SH: At just 15, you've already accomplished so much in your music career. What do you think is next for you after this new EP?

JJ: Writing more songs, finding as many opportunities as I can to learn from experienced musicians and playing gigs around Florida.

JudyAnne Jackson acoustic guitar in field

(Image courtesy of JudyAnne Jackson)


SH: What are some of your favorite things to do when you aren't writing songs, performing at sold-out venues, or participating in events like this?

JJ: I love to read. I get a lot of inspiration for songs from reading. One thing I absolutely love about reading is that it is a way to get different perspectives and learn more about people. I also love to bake, and of course, listen to music.


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SH: You're an amazing singer-songwriter, but you're also so much more. What's something that you want your fans to know about you?

JJ: I love to travel with my family and spend time outdoors. It's one of my favorite things to do. Last year, I went on a trip to Alaska with my family, and it was absolutely amazing. That trip ended up being the inspiration for the song "Empty Parts of Me" that I wrote with Liz Longley, which is the first track on the Dear Me EP.

JudyAnne Jackson playing guitar in field

(Image courtesy of JudyAnne Jackson)


SH: Do you have anything else you'd like to add?

JJ: I want to thank everyone who has supported me, listened to my music and shared it. It means the world to me, and I wouldn't be here without you all.


If JudyAnne's interview is any evidence, the young musician truly is an "old soul." The entire audience at the Dear Me EP release show was captivated from start to finish, with an unbeatable energy in the air that only JudyAnne and her band (comprised of her music teacher, classmates and friends) could create. Now that she's officially 16, she's sure to continue rocking the music world both in Tampa and far beyond.


For more on some of our favorite recent song releases, click HERE to read about Victoria Anthony's sophomore album.