10 Playful Instagram Captions for Every Cute Photo of You in a Jumpsuit

Is there a more perfect piece of summer wear than the jumpsuit?

As the weather gets hotter, we think we'll be spotting more and more gorgeous jumpsuits. If you're excited to snap some selfies in your new favorite fashion piece, we think these captions will really make them pop on Instagram.

For when you've just bought a new jumpsuit and you feel like you positively glow in it:

"Happiness is the same price as a jumpsuit."


For your aptly timed jumping pic in your jumpsuit:

"Those who don't jump will never fly."


For the fashion photo that will definitely turn a few heads:

"People will stare. Make it worth their while."

—Harry Winston


For when the only reason you wore a jumpsuit today was that pairing different pieces of clothing together was too much work:

"Jumpsuits: the all-in-one outfit you don't have to put together."


For the pic of the black jumpsuit that's become your go-to style centerpiece:

"One is never over-dressed or over-dressed with a little black jumpsuit."


For when you're feeling a bit silly about something you thought, but you look great so you don't care too  much:

"Always jumping to conclusions."


For the outfit that makes you feel like the world is yours:

"You can have anything you want if you dress for it."

-Edith Head

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For your super functional, yet totally fashionable, jumpsuit pic:

"It's a matter of being practical."

-Carole Andrews


For when your adorable jumpsuit doubles as your security blanket:

"Jumpsuit, jumpsuit, cover me."

-Twenty One Pilots, "Jumpsuit"


For the jumpsuit pic you can't help but flaunt:

"Life isn't perfect, but your jumpsuit can be."

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Looking to add even more cuteness to your wardrobe? Click HERE for our favorite fashionable jumpsuits under $50.