Is This Why Justin Bieber Shaved His Mustache?

Bye-bye, mustache.

Justin Bieber has been spotted without his mustache over the last day or so, and we think we know why the "I'm Sorry" singer's facial hair is MIA.

As noted by Elle, a Twitter user who goes by the username @Jimmysanchez26 tweeted that he ran into Justin in New York City. Though it's unclear exactly when the interaction took place, Jimmy tweeted about the encounter on July 5 writing, "We were all excited he shaved his mustache and he said 'yeah Hailey made me shave it off, well not made me but you know haha.'"

Added Jimmy of the pop star: "He's so cute and funny and looked so happy I love him so much."

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Though we haven't exactly solved the case of the missing mustache since we can't verify Justin made those remarks about girlfriend Hailey Baldwin and the role she might have played in the absence of his facial hair, other Twitter users seem to be corroborating Jimmy's story.

A user named @bieberhonoret tweeted, "Ok i just found out that yes it's true Hailey did make him shave the mustache but he tried to deny that she did lmao."

And when someone asked why Biebs tried to deny Hailey played a role in the axing of the 'stache, @bieberhonoret added, "He didn't wanna make it seem like Hailey really made him do it but I mean we all knew lol."

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Regardless of exactly why the mustache is missing, paparazzi photos of Justin and Hailey published on July 5, show him sans the extra facial hair. Maybe his upper lip just got a bit too hot in the summer heat!


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