7 Books From Katniss Everdeen’s Bookshelf!

Between preparing for the Hunger Games and starting a revolution, Katniss Everdeen didn't have much spare time to take a break and pick up a book. But what if she had? We've got a list of the 7 books we think our favorite teenage heroine would have found it impossible to put down. 

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1. The Young Elites by Marie Lu

the young elites katniss everdeen book recs

As an awesome chick who refuses to sit around and obey authority, we're pretty certain Katniss would love a protagonist who does the same. The Young Elites' Adelina is marked and shunned by society, but she won't take that lying down. She discovers innate magical powers and enters into the revolution in a story that would engage Katniss completely.

2. The Program by Suzanne Young

the program katniss everdeen book recs

At The Program, a highly trained team of doctors work to make their patients forgot their troubled pasts and be happy again. As more and more teens and whisked away and entered into The Program, Sloane finds herself involved in the fight to end it once and for all. Katniss is all too familiar with overthrowing societies that hold too much power, and she would no doubt enjoy reading about this rebellion.

3. Partials by Dan Wells

partials katniss everdeen book recs

In the sci-fi adventure Partials, humans are almost extinct. The intelligent, heroic, Kira Walker has been training in medicine for years, only to continuously watch newborn babies die from the virus that almost wiped out humanity. Kira is determined to find the cure, and Katniss would love the ride this novel takes you on from beginning to end.

4. Angelfall by Susan Ee

angelfall katniss everdeen books recs

The Hunger Games really starts when Katniss tries to save her little sister, Prim, so it's only natural that Katniss would admire a protagonist set out to do the same. Penryn is on the hunt to find her sister after angels take her away. But the world has been nearly destroyed by the angels, and Penryn's journey might be more difficult than she imagined.

(via Fanpop)

5. Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas

throne of glass katniss everdeen book recs

It's no secret that the Throne of Glass series features one of the most epic female protagonists in recent literary history. Katniss would undoubtedly get swept away by Celaena, an assassin fighting in a competition to become King's Champion and earn her freedom. Calena's page-turning story is one any freedom-fighter would enjoy.

6. Nightshade by Andrea Cremer

nightshade katniss everdeen book recs

Nightshade isn't about overthrowing powerful governments or revolution, but any 17-year-old girl must love a good story about forbidden love every once in a while! Shapeshifter Calla broke her pack's rules when she decided to save a human, and things get worse as Calla begins to question her loyalty to her people altogether.

7. Sanctum by Sarah Fine

sanctum sarah fine katniss everdeen book recs

In the end, Katniss is a heroine drop everything for the chance to save someone she loves. Sanctum's Lela Santos is the same, and when her best friend takes her own life, Lela performs a ritual and enters the afterlife with the singular goal of saving her soul. Things get complicated when Lela is picked up by the Guards who plan to take Lela out of the afterlife and put her back where she belongs.

Which novels do you think would have a place on Katniss's bookshelf? Share your thoughts below, and tell us about your own favorite books at SweetyHigh.com!