5H Vs. Katy Perry : Who Had The Best Slime Reaction?

Nickelodeon's 2015 Kids' Choice Awards are just a week away, and our favorite part of the KCAs has always been seeing the biggest celebrities get slimed! Check out some of our favorite past celebrity slimings below, and vote for your favorite in our poll.

kca slime instagram: austin mahone and cody simpson, fifth harmony, taylor lautner and victoria justice

Fifth Harmony

fifth harmony slime kca

(via Tumblr)

Austin Mahone + Cody Simpson

Nickelodeon's 27th Annual Kids' Choice Awards - Show

(via Just Jared Jr.)

Ariana Grande

ariana grande slime figure it out kca

(via Img Arcade)

Victoria Justice

victoria justice slime kcas

(via Sitcoms Online)

Katy Perry

katy perry slime kcas

(via The Daily Mail)

Kendall Schmidt


(via Sitcoms Online)

Josh Hutcherson + Amanda Seyfried

josh hutcherson amanda seyfried slime kcas

(via Alyce Paris)

Taylor Lautner

taylor lautner slime kcas

(via The Daily Mail)

Whose reaction was the funniest? Vote below, share with us in the comments, and tell us what you're excited to see at the KCAs at SweetyHigh.com!

Which celebs had the best reaction to getting slimed?

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