13 of the Best Instagram Captions for All of Your Knitting Pics

If knitting is one of your favorite hobbies, we are majorly impressed.

Knitting takes lots of skill, patience and time, and if you've learned to master all three, you can probably handle anything. Whether you're new to knitting or it's something your grandma taught you years ago, why not show off your process or latest creation with your friends? Continue below to get a look at 13 of the best Instagram captions for all of your knitting pics.

For when you're happiest knitting:

"All you knit is love."


(via Shutterstock)

For when you're just learning how to knit:

"Knit happens."


For when you want to show off your yarn collection:

"In my defense, I was left unsupervised and the yarn shop was open."


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For when you completed knitting something in record time:

"If I knit fast enough, does it count as an aerobic activity?"


For when you're always knitting:

"I'd rather be knitting."


For when you love knitting more than anything:

"Knitting is my happy place."


(via Shutterstock)


For when you're making fun of your friends who don't know what knitting needles look like:

"They're not chopsticks… they're knitting needles."


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For when you're young but still like to knit:

"Yes, I like to knit. And no, I am not old."


For when you have more yarn than you know what to do with:

"So much yarn, so little time."


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For when all you want to do is knit:

"If knitting is wrong I don't want to be right."


For when you're coming up on the end of your knitted masterpiece:

"I'm at my knit's end!"


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For when you have a favorite spot in your house to knit:

"If I'm sitting, I'm knitting."


(via Shutterstock)


For when you get stuck spending hours detangling your yarn skeins—again:

"Oh what a tangled web we weave…"


More into sewing? Look HERE for the best Instagram captions for all of your sewing pics.