Knox Hamilton’s Colorful New Lyric Video Will Help You Realize No Love Story Is Perfect

If you're not familiar with indie pop band Knox Hamilton, you're about to be—all of their music is upbeat, danceable and amazingly catchy.

Just today, the trio released their new lyric video for their single, "Pretty Way to Fight," and it's everything we'd expect from these guys.

Knox Hamilton band

(Photo Credit: Connor North Goad)

We had the chance to catch up with lead singer Boots Copeland to discover the meaning behind this heartfelt song and get to know the band on a more personal level.

Scroll below to see what he had to reveal!

Artist: Knox Hamilton (Boots Copeland—bass, vocals; Cobo Copeland—drums; and Drew Buffington—lead guitar)

Single: "Pretty Way to Fight"

What the song means to Boots: "I wrote 'PWTF' about finding the bright spots in imperfect love lives."

How the band came up with this lyric video's concept: "The song has sort of an 80's synth-driven, pop-meets-modern-day-rock 'n' roll vibe—the lyric video sort of embodies that feel."

Biggest influences: "Musically I would say Paul McCartney and Brandon Flowers."

Dream venue: "The American in me wants to sell out Madison Square Garden, of course."

Dream duet: "Firekid. And if they're unavailable, I'd say The Killers or Frank Ocean. The list goes on and on but the above mentioned artists will always blow my mind."

Fave songs at the moment: " 'Die For Alabama,' by Firekid, 'Feel It Still,' by Portugal. The Man, 'Good side in,' by The Japanese House, 'Chanel,' by Frank Ocean, 'Dear To Me,' by Electric Guest, 'Even In My Dreams, I Can't Win,' by Bad Suns and 'I Feel It Coming,' by The Weeknd.

Dream accomplishment: "We want to keep rock 'n' roll around for years to come, and brighten a few days along the way. Also, we want to give an acceptance speech at an award show. Ours or maybe on someone else's behalf."


Make sure to follow the band on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to keep up with their latest music releases!


Looking for more new and inspiring music? Then you have to head on over HERE and check out Jule Vera's empowering new single "Lifeline."